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Faculty and Staff

Mastery Learning at QSI Virtual School is facilitated by a group of passionate and dedicated educators. Faculty members are certified and licensed in the core subjects that they teach.  All QVS teachers have taught, or are currently teaching, in a brick and mortar QSI school. 

High school student reading from a book

We Challenge.

  • Muscles are kept in tone by exercise, whereas the brain is kept in tone by intentional learning and by putting that learning into practice.
  • When we discuss anything, respectful dialogue helps us gain better perspective to see points of view we might not have been aware of otherwise.
High school student participating in an online lesson

We Question.

  • Learning starts with asking questions.
  • Positive development occurs when old practices and thinking are challenged in light of new knowledge and changes around us.



Smiling student with a tablet computer

We Care.

  • Care is expressed in what we do, when we do it and how we do it.
  • Every individual is important and needs to be cared for. “All for one and one for all”.



Meet the QVS Teaching Team!

Victoria Craig
  • Advanced Placement
  • Creative and Applied Arts
  • English
  • Science
  • Technology

Read what our students and parents say!

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Parent Testimonial

The classes are perfectly planned and scheduled. Always in a contact: student - teacher - school direction - parent, feedback system and deadlines are always under control. Learning materials are quite clear, and it's very interesting.

Read More about Parent Testimonial
A person wearing glasses and a green shirt is sitting at a desk, writing in a notebook. A laptop, colorful folders, and a container of pencils are on the desk. Light filters through a window, and there is a wall map in the background.