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AP US History Testimonial

“AP US History is probably one of the most challenging classes I’ve taken, AP or otherwise. It has an intense workload, with all the assignments being incredibly challenging, requiring an abundance of time on my part in order to complete the assignments to the highest degree. I often spent the majority of my homework time working on APUSH alone, and with several of my other APs being challenging as well, I ran into the problem of borrowing time. I was borrowing time from classes working on assignments from APUSH, and then borrow APUSH time for other classes… and it was a whole mess. I completely lost myself in terms of assignments and I was behind all the time. Ms Sedmak was extremely kind and aided me whenever needed in order to complete the assignments, and she gave me the time that I needed, which I appreciate greatly. Several of the assignments were in fact quite fun, especially when it came to the more creative ones, like the menu we had to create for a president, or the photobomb of a historical event. They required thought and a great deal of research and analysis, but they were breaks in between the usual challenging assignments, for a fun change. I would strongly suggest that future APUSH students manage their time wisely, and to not borrow time from this class no matter what. It may seem like a good idea in the moment, but it will result in an unpleasant and never-ending vicious cycle that creates extreme stress. Always plan your assignments right and ask Ms Sedmak for help. She’s there to help you, and there is absolutely no shame in asking for help; it will help you grow.”

- Kassitty; QSI Dongguan 

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