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AP Comparative Government and Politics

AP Comparative Government and Politics

Prerequisite: Modern World History (As recommended by AP, students must be able to read college-level texts and write grammatically correct, complete sentences.)

Course Description: AP Comparative Government and Politics is a year-long university-level course. The foundation of the course is a set of five “big ideas” that spiral through each of the units: Power and Authority, Legitimacy and Stability, Democratization, Internal/External Forces, and Methods of Political Analysis. The course builds skills in disciplinary practices of concept application, country comparison, data analysis, source analysis, and argumentation, which are practiced within the content units. The United Kingdom, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, China, and Iran are the six “course countries” analyzed during the year. The course culminates in the external AP exam consisting of multiple-choice and free-response questions. This course may substitute for World Governments to fulfill requirements for the Academic Diploma.

Department: Cultural Studies 

Teacher: Jennifer Sedmak

Credit: 1 Credit (10 Units) 

Length: 1 Year 

Grade Level(s): Secondary III or IV 

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