Secondary school is a critical time for students. It is a time of growth, learning, and preparation for the future. An effective advisory program can assist high school students in making the most of their experience.
The advisory program at QSI Virtual School program provides an opportunity for students to receive individualized attention from their teachers and counselors. It provides our students with a safe space to explore their interests, develop self-awareness, and build meaningful relationships with adults and peers. It also helps to create an environment where students can discover their passions as well as access resources and guidance when needed. It also offers them the space to reflect on their academic progress, discuss career plans, ask questions, and gain resources that can help them succeed in the future.
Benefits to the QSI Virtual School advisory program:
Individualized Experience
It helps to individualize the educational experience for each student. Working together with the classroom teacher, the faculty advisor, and the school administration, students are expected to perform at a high standard, academically and socially.
Stronger Relationships
It allows for teacher and student interaction on a more personal level. Advisory teachers are sensitive to a student's morale and general well-being on a daily basis. They can take appropriate action when there is a reason for concern or follow-up.
Increased Communication
It facilitates communication and planning. Advisors make every effort to be informed of their advisees' academic situations. The advisor is also a channel for communications with parents. Throughout the year, the advisor keeps parents informed of important concerns as well as any disciplinary or social problems.