Mental Health and Wellbeing
By being self-aware, socially aware, able to manage personal feelings and emotions, navigate the nuances of relationships, and make positive decisions, students are better equipped to handle the pressures of life as they grow.
Teaching students social-emotional learning is an important part of student development. It helps students to develop the skills they need to be successful in their lives, both now and in the future. With social-emotional learning, students learn how to manage their emotions, set goals, build relationships, make positive decisions and resolve conflicts. They also learn how to recognize and practice empathy, which can help them become compassionate citizens who are better equipped to participate in a global community. As a result of this type of education, students become better prepared for college or career success. Social-emotional learning also encourages students to take ownership over their own behavior and decisions. This can lead to improved academic performance as well as increased self-confidence and self-awareness. The benefits of teaching students social-emotional learning are numerous and invaluable.
QSI Virtual School aims to develop in our students the capacity to recognize how they feel and what they think and recognize that in any given situation those feelings and thoughts can affect their behaviors. As they gain deeper understanding of their thoughts and feelings, they are able to take meaningful action in order to better manage stressful situations, regulate emotions more effectively and make sound decisions.
Social Awareness
QSI Virtual School strives to develop in students the capacity to understand other people's perspectives so that they can learn to empathize with the diverse backgrounds and cultures. With such aptitude in recognizing emotional states and forming strong bonds, students become more comfortable navigating interpersonal situations while creating a foundation of healthy relationships.
QSI Virtual School supports students in developing the capacity to manage their emotions, thoughts, and actions so that they can effectively work and interact with others. Through learning techniques designed to increase understanding of and mastery over emotions, students learn how to think before they act as well as how to motivate themselves toward achieving their goals. This makes it easier to practice mindful attention, focus on tasks at hand, and ultimately control decisions without outside influence or pressure.
Relationship Skills
We work to develop in students the capacity to build relationships essential to working effectively in many settings which include effective communication and collaborative skills. The importance of teaching students social-emotional learning cannot be overstated. Not only does this open the door for increased knowledge and skills related to self awareness and understanding, but it also creates an environment that encourages building stronger relationships. Teaching social-emotional learning helps students not just in school, but also outside of it in their family lives, friendships, and beyond.
Learn more about the EMPOWER Program
Responsible Decision-Making
QSI Virtual School strives to develop in students the capacity to be effective decision-makers while responsibly applying those skills in social situations and reflecting on personal choices and behaviors. With this knowledge, students are better equipped to make informed decisions that represent their values in an ethical manner and may even lead to positive outcomes for themselves and those around them. Students learn how to respond in productive ways when faced with tough situations and conflicts; this enables them to cultivate positive relationships and take ownership of their actions.
Learning social and emotional skills is just as important as mastering academics; QSI Virtual School's EMPOWER program helps students discover themselves and their potential.