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Success Orientations

Success is so much more than getting A’s and B’s. 

We understand how important it is for students to develop the many good habits and skills that lead to being successful.  QSI wants all students to grow in leadership, confidence, creativity, and the capacity to collaborate with others.  We teach and help students to be trustworthy, independent, responsible, concerned for others, kind and polite, successful group members, and able to appreciate the environment around them. We call these the Success Orientations.

QSI’s philosophy is that the knowledge and skills students gain through schooling is only a portion of what is important; creating good citizens of the world is also a major part of education. Students leaving our schools will know that a successful future includes living a life that shows kindness to and concern for otherscaring for the environment, having a strong work ethic, as well as working cooperatively with others.


Group Interaction...

...means students work well with others in class and in small groups.  They cooperate with those in the group and work on ways to solve problems, find positive solutions, and develop collaborative skills.  It also means they listen to others and their ideas even if they disagree.


Kindness and Politeness...

....means students are kind and polite to everyone at school, not just teachers and friends, but also others who might not be their friends. It also means they are helpful and patient with everyone.


Independent Endeavor...

...means teachers assign students work and students then do it by themselves. They pay attention to personal work and stay focused on the task at hand.  Teachers can trust students to do the work independently and to the best of their ability.  Students may pursue an interest beyond curricular expectations to further increase their understanding of the topic.  



...means students tell the truth and are honest about their interactions.  It means that someone, like a friend or a teacher, can trust the students and count on them to do the right thing.



...means students come to school on time, prepared, and ready to learn each day.  It also means they bring homework, materials, and books to school when needed and do their best consistently in every class, every day. 


Concern for Others...

...means students accept other people no matter where they are from or what their beliefs are.  It means that students include others in their activities and help friends or others who may be sad or hurt.  Students show others their care and concern for others through acts of sharing and moments of empathy. 


Aesthetic Appreciation...

..means students respect the spaces that they use in the school, such as their cubby/ locker, classroom, hallway, or cafeteria.  It means that they take care of the environment inside and outside the school by picking up trash and cleaning up after themselves.  It also means students respect how other people create their ideas, not just in art and music, but in every class.

A diverse group of four friends stands close together in a library, smiling and laughing as they look at a tablet screen. Shelves filled with books are visible in the background. The mood is joyful and relaxed.