Student Life and Activities
Extracurricular Activities and Student-Led Clubs
At QSI Virtual School, extracurricular activities and enrichment opportunities are considered essential components of the overall student experience. We provide a diverse selection of extracurricular activities, such as those centered on STEM, the arts, athletics, and many others. Our extracurricular activities program helps students not only develop skills but also foster relationships, broaden their passions, and broaden the scope of their interests. Apart from school-led activities, students are also encouraged to lead clubs based on their own individual interests and passions.
Sample Extracurricular Activities
- Model-United Nations
- Speech and Debate
- Knowledge Bowl
- E-Sports
- Math Counts
- Chess
- National Honor Society
- Computer Programming
Online School Events and Assemblies
QSI Virtual School hosts regular online school events for students and the greater school community. Events are designed to engage, inspire, inform, and connect the students, parents, and educators of QSI Virtual School.
Sample Online Events
Parent Coffee Chats
Community Webinars
Student Assemblies
School-wide events and activities
Guest Speakers